
Buckle up Karachi!

It is time to face the truth and that is that Pakistan is a country where the majority of people lack proper mentoring and experience as drivers or at least they pretend to lack them. With roads that are far from perfect, road rage a widespread feature, and speeding as well as overtaking at inappropriate and unnecessary instances extremely common, every sane man would take extra precautions. With one person being killed somewhere on the globe after every 25 seconds, the need for preventive measures is inevitable. Sure, you cannot stop the out of control driver from ove


Affluence is, quite simply, a question of texture!

What an age we live in! There are so many new and amazing online shopping services, delivery and taxi services now and it truly feels like Pakistan is slowly transforming into a first class country. Whether you want food delivered or book a holiday? You name it and there is an app for that.     Your neighbor forgot her medicine at her aunt’s place in Nazimabad? No problem, a rider will pick it up and deliver it. You urgently need grocery? There’s a website for that. You want to go to the Karachi Eat festival but are dreading the traffic? Take an Uber or Careem. W


Welcome To My Hobnob Lounge

Here I am with my all new blog, something that I may term as a socializing coffee partner. At times I used to think that what may be my mission in life? For sure it is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style because life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we react to it. I always noted that Pakistanis who live abroad has a very wrong perspective about their homeland and somewhat they propagate it among their colleagues and friends who are not Pakistanis. If I say they are time zone locked would not


Slavery is a weed that grows on every soil even when you are part of a Beauty Pageant!

A dark blot on humanity that is often ignored, or that we turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to, is human trafficking. Much of the developed world is either unaware or doesn’t want to think about the horrors of the evil that permeates society. Young people, mostly girls, but boys, too, are lured away from their poverty-stricken families by the promise of good jobs and enough money to send home to support their needy families. This promise is easily grasped at when a family has little or no income, many mouths to feed, and nothing but a shack to provide shelter from the elemen


Get Rid of Moles Naturally

At times we come across people who have dark or black spots on their face. These spots are called moles which occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. These cells are called melanocytes that is a mature melanin-forming cell, especially in the skin, and they make the pigment that gives skin its natural colour. Moles may darken after exposure to the sun, during the teen years, although normally it may not be a health threat, if a mole shows up on one’s face, it can be a foremost cosmetic awkwardness. Treating moles on face ca