Rid Face Moles
At times we come across people who have dark or black spots on their face. These spots are called moles which occur when cells in the skin grow in a cluster instead of being spread throughout the skin. These cells are called melanocytes that is a mature melanin-forming cell, especially in the skin, and they make the pigment that gives skin its natural colour. Moles may darken after exposure to the sun, during the teen years, although normally it may not be a health threat, if a mole shows up on one’s face, it can be a foremost cosmetic awkwardness. Treating moles on face can also be difficult since some processes can leave a scar behind. I always advise my clients for personal grooming that perform a self-skin check as for it is very important to monitor for new mole growth and watch for discolouration or growth of old moles as well as count moles because if they are more than 100 moles, one may be at a higher risk for skin cancer and should immediately consult with a dermatologist.
My advice is to try using the apple cider vinegar and garlic as a cure to the problem of getting rid of moles. Apple cider vinegar is a very gentle and natural acid. It is believed to gradually burn the cells of the mole until they die off, causing the mole to disappear, as well. The enzymes in garlic are believed to dissolve moles by breaking apart the cell clusters that make them up. It can lighten the pigmentation of the moles, and in some cases, it may even get rid of the mole completely. After washing the mole for 15 to 20 minutes using warm water so that the skin becomes soft. Grind a clove of garlic in a food processor until it breaks down into a paste-like consistency and please remember that it is not necessarily a requirement to grind the garlic, you can simply get one garlic clove and mash it until it turns into a paste as well and please do not forget to protect the area around the mole with oil or petroleum jelly because garlic has the tendency to burn the skin, now after grinding or mashing the garlic mix this paste with apple cider vinegar. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and garlic paste. Apply this paste to the mole for 10 to 15 minutes. Wash the paste off with clean water and dry the area. Repeat these steps four times a day for a week or so. Typically, the mole will turn black and become a scab. That scab will fall off, leaving the skin beneath it mole-free.
Once the mole is scabbed and fallen off apply a bit of iodine directly to the mole at night and cover the area with a bandage. Rinse it off in the morning. Repeat this treatment for two to three days. The mole marks would begin disappearing in this time period. But please be very careful when applying these to moles close to your eye. Try using a cotton swab and then applying it to the mole.
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