
News published about two Korean giants planning to invest in the healthcare and fitness industry of Pakistan induced me to exploration. We live in a society where there exist two sects. One faction abominating exercise, as for them, it is an utter nuisance and involves way too much hard work, while for others it is a routine, a part of their existence. We have been hearing people in Pakistan are now becoming conscious about their appearance, and this increase can be explained by the decisive role played by the media as several health channels have been launched to promote the importance of a healthy lifestyle. The government and its health policies also play a crucial role.


Being a member of Karachi Club, I based my research on the gymnasium this club offers to its members for this article and a small home-based gym in my area. Karachi Club has invested a considerable amount of funds into the construction and maintenance of gyms and fitness centres. I spent 6 hours in both gyms, 30 minutes for continuous six days between 9:00 AM to 9:30 AM at Karachi Club and 4:00 PM 4:30 PM at my neighbourhood gym. With few interviews and observations, I noticed that around 75% of the young generations in the gym were found in the strength training area to gain mass compared to only 25% of them in the cardiovascular training area to shed pounds and tone their bodies. The latter population of the gym belonged to an older age group above 35 years of age who were solely concerned about their physiological health rather than to achieve the ideal body shape.


Memberships available for health clubs in Pakistan varies from a few hundred rupees to whooping few thousand rupees depending on different income diaspora of the society. Since these gyms undertake a substantial amount of financial commitment hence proper and reliable research is vital before the choice is made as today gyms are available at every corner. The following aspects should be kept in mind while considering a gym which fits into all the individual requirements a person needs for a committed workout routine. Choosing a gym which is far away won’t motivate an individual to go there. The ideal location for it is somewhere near an individual’s office or home which will allow them to follow their workout routine amidst even the hectic of days which will help lower the stress levels being faced by the person. Courteous, supportive and assistive staff members are a vital component of a good gym where they are available to answer the questions of an individual or guiding them through the proper use of the equipment. Therefore, certified staff members are an essential aspect of the gym able to guide individuals through their fitness routines and training sessions. Individuals, when choosing the right gym, must make sure that the facility provides an ample number of equipment and machines to be used by its members rather than making them wait during their routine to use them. Time limits on the usage of a tool may also affect the amount of workout an individual deems fit for themselves hence it must be taken into consideration. Instructions about the usage of machines and the availability of staff members in assisting individuals with their proper use are also an important indicator of how effectively the gym is being managed. One must also consider the schedule of fitness classes being offered at the gym and whether the courses they want are provided at their ideal time slots. The fees of these classes should also be considered as to whether or not they are affordable or not. The most critical decision variable when choosing a particular gym is the cost of joining and using its facilities. Some gyms offer promotional discounts where they waive the initial signing fee while others have different payment schedules which may ask members to pay on a monthly or yearly basis. So overall, whether or not a gym fits into the budget plan of the individual is a significant factor which leads to the final decision of that person.


In conclusion, all I would say is that Pakistan is no doubt, undergoing the financial crisis and so there’re hundreds of problems in our day to day life. But, where there’s a problem, there’s an opportunity; so is the case with Pakistan. Despite having been so many problems, there’re too many opportunities for starting running and a gym business in Pakistan as it doesn’t need much investment, but you need a good trainer. Gym culture is found in both the poor and affluent class. Though the poor use anecdotal information and techniques passed on from person to person.

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