
All that glitters is not gold: the journey of my self-discovery

The glorious lamp of heaven, the sun. Life is full of opportunity and beauty, as long as you are willing to fight for it. It is about finding yourself and the peace within, but sometimes that journey to self-discovery starts with pushing back. There are always people who do not want to see you succeed. When first coming to Pakistan, I was not fluent in the common tongue, Urdu, and for that, I was bullied. But eventually, I decided that I would bully those who were bullying me, overcoming my language barrier and the people who viewed me as weak. This is me. Since I wa


The Next Fashion Mogul of Pakistan

As unconventional as this might sound, it’s not his designs that pulled me to Imran Mughal at first, inviting me to explore more about him. When I found out about his interest in Urdu Literature, I sent him two pieces of work that I personally admire a lot. It was Selected Short Stories, by Amrita Pritam, along with Selected Short Stories, by Ismat Chughtai, that I sent to him only to hear back exactly what I had been hoping for. His original views on both intrigued me so much so that I finally checked out his collection, which only made the cat more curious. It was ext


The Jewel of Pattaya

While planning a family holiday with my dad and sister, we are very much particular in choosing the right hotel because there is nothing like a bad hotel suite room to put you off on your holiday! After all the hectic activities/travels through the day, one yearns for a good night’s sleep in a good, comfortable bed. While booking accommodation, we look for the best deals and also value for money. To this end, it is our experience that the traveller reviews featured at online spaces help us decide, though a word of caution here, one should not look at just a couple of revi


The Buzzing Beez

The Art of Making Coffee for the Bees and Craft for the Drones! The Man Behind The Concept, Junaid Khan I was roaming in the park for my morning ritual when I met an energetic, fit as fiddle and always smiling Junaid Khan. While walking together exchanging introductions I learnt that this young entrepreneur had a steadily progressing career in financial and banking sector in England, but time being the best teacher, Junaid understood that fulfilling of social desirability isn’t enough to sustain personal happiness and growth as a person. Though he had a high paying j